Monday, July 19, 2010

The greatest lesson of all: Love

Love. the most powerful emotion there is PERIOD!.
Love to all comes across in so many ways all unique and different, the truth is there is no set meaning on what love is, and there never will be.
it is proven scientifically that love and the concept itself is more powerful to the mind then any other emotion available to thought.
with this knowledge we harness this great ability, this ability of "love". so powerful as it is we still dont realize that with this emotion we can change anything we experience, the truth is you must love everything! you may say "so i should love disease,poverty, war, and my relations who are sick?" NO! you should love the cure of disease. love the lessons of poverty e.g GRATITUDE. instead of claiming war claim a settlement and solution e.g war on terrorism turn it around! solution to terrorism!. Now a hard one, illness. you must realize that when some one close to us is diagnosed with an illness we spend so much time and thought hating the illness and thinking how bad it is and all the possible outcomes of this illness and guess what! your only attracting more of these thoughts! and when you focus on them constantly they soon will become your experiences! so why do that to yourself and others? its not worth it. instead try loving the person! love them has who they are! be happy and be in the NOW the CURRENT and the PRESENT with them always. spend so much time sending love to them that you have no time to think bad thoughts or feel upset. Know they are here NOW and aint going know were until you allow it!. i know of this all to well from experiencing my fathers death early last Christmas. through this i learnt how he survived for seven years with cancer flooding his body, it was simple and showed always, it was love!. he never despised the cancer he allowed it to be one with him, he embraced it and made it aware that he had no intention of dieing, and from these thoughts the cancer also responded and nested without interference. it is from this powerful thinking he went on without any treatment for years, and in the end he got what he wished for, to be surrounded by all his family at his time of departure. he focused hard on that thought and got it because the world responded to his thought and gave to him what he had wanted, he attracted it, just like everything he experienced even his illness, he attracted it and learnt the greatest lesson of all. LOVE. To send love is the most powerful thing we can do, its the driving force of life and the opening to true happiness.

"Happiness can only come from inside of you and is the result of your love. when you are aware that no one else can make you happy, and that happiness is the result of your love, this becomes the greatest mastery of all" Don Miguel Ruiz (author of "the mastery of love")

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