Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Test of Education

I would like to make a simple reminder for everyone in School or University. Remember always that your intelligence is never rated by another but yourself, NO test NO exam NO person can ever tell you or rank your true ability in knowledge. This is a truth to your personal self!.
NEVER let anything rank you or tell you what you know, only YOU know YOU and only YOU will ever know YOU!.
(Seize the day!)
Stay for ever learning ;D

The Law of Attraction and You!

The one law that defines all outcomes of human life, the one law that proves how powerful we are, the one single thing that with enough understanding we can reach anything we desire.

Understanding the Law.

The law is the biggest understanding in life, it defines reality's and creates everything!
The Law of Attraction says like Attracts like, so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts. (The secret: http://thesecret.tv/)

As the secret explains thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. as you think thoughts, they are sent out into the universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. everything sent out returns to the source-you!

This all in all is the basis of this law and can be explained and applied in so many ways and in every condition in your life. when you learn this beautiful law you instantly realize that everything you experience is straight from what you have attracted, good or bad you brought it on by your thoughts. this puts all previous posts into context.
you have the ability to attract anything you desire, you always will have this power as long as you think and live, you bring everything into existence.

The Law of Attraction

My next post will show in depth the power of your mind in the form of the law of attraction.
this amazing law gives you the power to control everything within your life and reality, and allows you to create what ever you desire.
wealth/love/health/strength/friendship/travel! you have the ability to attract it all.


Life, emotions, action, touch, thought.
This is all energy that we admit from our souls and our being this energy is so real its scary!
 With the famous equation E= mc2, Albert Einstein proved that when you come right down to it everything in the universe is energy. Both in the physical plane of our reality of matter and the abstract reality of our mind, it is all a pattern of existing energy.
When you study close into this theory you discover something amazing something that blows you away, you realize we admit real energy like a heater admits real heat.
The form of our energy is based on our emotional state of mind and action taken from our sub conscious to conscious mind to our experiences and reality.
The best way to demonstrate this in my opinion is like this:
your sitting alone in public with a miserable face on, you look out to everyone and what is there reaction to you? its the same or defensive or ignoring aint it. 
This is because you admit a bad energy and people will react to this energy they will either conform to it, ignore it or defend against it, its a real force that you admit from your mind and emotions and everyone can feel it and they will all react differently.

The above link is a insight into the amazing law of attraction and the power of emotions and source energy, from this you will gain some knowledge of certain aspects of being and processes of thoughts that create energy and draw more of the energy your are focusing around this being THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The greatest lesson of all: Love

Love. the most powerful emotion there is PERIOD!.
Love to all comes across in so many ways all unique and different, the truth is there is no set meaning on what love is, and there never will be.
it is proven scientifically that love and the concept itself is more powerful to the mind then any other emotion available to thought.
with this knowledge we harness this great ability, this ability of "love". so powerful as it is we still dont realize that with this emotion we can change anything we experience, the truth is you must love everything! you may say "so i should love disease,poverty, war, and my relations who are sick?" NO! you should love the cure of disease. love the lessons of poverty e.g GRATITUDE. instead of claiming war claim a settlement and solution e.g war on terrorism turn it around! solution to terrorism!. Now a hard one, illness. you must realize that when some one close to us is diagnosed with an illness we spend so much time and thought hating the illness and thinking how bad it is and all the possible outcomes of this illness and guess what! your only attracting more of these thoughts! and when you focus on them constantly they soon will become your experiences! so why do that to yourself and others? its not worth it. instead try loving the person! love them has who they are! be happy and be in the NOW the CURRENT and the PRESENT with them always. spend so much time sending love to them that you have no time to think bad thoughts or feel upset. Know they are here NOW and aint going know were until you allow it!. i know of this all to well from experiencing my fathers death early last Christmas. through this i learnt how he survived for seven years with cancer flooding his body, it was simple and showed always, it was love!. he never despised the cancer he allowed it to be one with him, he embraced it and made it aware that he had no intention of dieing, and from these thoughts the cancer also responded and nested without interference. it is from this powerful thinking he went on without any treatment for years, and in the end he got what he wished for, to be surrounded by all his family at his time of departure. he focused hard on that thought and got it because the world responded to his thought and gave to him what he had wanted, he attracted it, just like everything he experienced even his illness, he attracted it and learnt the greatest lesson of all. LOVE. To send love is the most powerful thing we can do, its the driving force of life and the opening to true happiness.

"Happiness can only come from inside of you and is the result of your love. when you are aware that no one else can make you happy, and that happiness is the result of your love, this becomes the greatest mastery of all" Don Miguel Ruiz (author of "the mastery of love")

The Road

What is life? What happens after life? Am i in control? God?

Thoughts thoughts and thoughts. We have all the answers even if you believe it or not. We were born with the answers. We just need to go back to that beginning and learn from our first weeks of life cause it is from this stage that we learnt our reality and then created our thoughts then our experiences and all up, our life. if we can re harness this ability then what is stopping us from creating our life all over again. we control everything that happens in our experiences we are like magnets we attract what we think there for when we think we create. we are all GOD and there is no set purpose in your life beyond what you believe and create.

All that we are is of what we have thought. Buddha