Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Way of Relationships

Is there a relationship that can be perfect? can two people be connected so close that nothing external from themselves can effect there true internal love?
I believe so.
Its simple..... you must give love in every form but only if it agrees with your values.
And its your values that decide who you connect with in life along the mysterious path of love!
what you value is the key of the heart, when ones key fits the lock of another they can open them self's to each other into the internal bliss of love.
If you and your partner find difficulties and stress between each other then you should state your values to each other and discuss everything you abide by in life, and how you want to live.
This openness is the key to perfection!

Love one another unconditionally, cause when love has no condition it is true to ones heart.
the following link reveals the amazing work of Byron Katie, a true sage in the art of healing and ending suffering withing relationships and life!

Love, Joseph Rezuk